Monday, August 22, 2011

Parts of speech

There are Eight Part of Speech

1)     Noun : Name of persons,Place and Things

2)     Pronoun : The word we use in place of Noun . e.g . He ,She It

3)     Adjective : Is a word which tell us some thing more about the Noun . e.g . Sam is hard working Boy. Here      " working "

4)      Verb  : A verb tell us some thing about noun and pronoun . e.g . Sam always stands first in class . here "stand" is Verb .

5)     Adverb : Which adds to the meaning in verb. e.g . He walks slowly . Here "Slowly " is Adverb .

6 )    Preposition : A preposition is a word which makes relation between noun and pronoun . e.g . There is a book on the table . E.g . Here " On " is preposition .

7)    Conjunction : A conjunction is a joining word . e.g . Adam and Sam are friends . e.g . Here "and" is conjunction .

8 )   Inter junction : which show emotions in the sentence .. such as Hurry i won the race or HI, bye and Goodbye.

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