Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Never lie ( interesting story about BBA student )

my life
As we all know that we are living in very Good and Nice planet we never feel any problem about breathing , sleeping . unless we are ill.
What i want to ask from all of you  is that Why we lie in front of our family member and father and mother .Because we are scare from them that they are going to harm us . No Not we only want their happiness Why they love us .
MY actul topic is i want to tell you a story about my self when I was going to get admission in Intermediate. My parents told me that you should apply for Fsc pre medical . And they wants from me to get admission in Pre medical . they ask me can you do it . it is bit difficult from maths and all other subject but whenever you get admission in medical college then it will be really easy for you . I was so worried I can not refuse them . i ask them that i am ready to get admission in pre medical But i did not want to study Biology because i hate BIo . I study fsc pre medical for two year and i pass fsc only with 50% marks which are not suffecient for medical student . then i get admission in BBA and Now a days i am doing BBA and enjoying ...............
if at the beginning time i took admission in fsc pre engineering now i will have get admission in Mechanical engineering..............alas  not time over...............I reQuest all of you Never lie in front of your Parents 


  1. Oh its interesting . may be thats truth be most of the time we were not doing this
