Sunday, July 10, 2011

true story

this is the story about a boy who want to go to Europe . But he have no enough money , to go by
 applying for a visa or another requirement . He was studying in intermediate means 12th stander
One day when he was coming from College a man watch him and stop him .He ask the boy that i am looking you from couple of days  you looks so worried , can you share me your problems . the boy tell him all the thing
then a man told him that i know one man he is working in a factory a  the post of manager he can solve your problems. But the man ask him to arrange four lac rupees then he will take you to Europe . the boy agreed and he told the man that i have arrange the money. but we will have agreement, i will give you money when i will reach Una nan. the man who actually was Agent , he agreed .
one day Agent call him and told him that we are going  tomorrow be prepare . Next morning Boy start his Journey to Europe .
The first step of the journey was he have to travel to Karachi along some other friends whose Names are Hanif , Assad,Saif, these three are close to him He make friendship with them.
When they reached Karachi they found 10 other people who were also going abroad .
From Karachi they were sent to Quetta . the capital of Baluchistan province of Pakistan .From Quetta they were kept in to the closed container with roundabout 50 people . after taking all the people in the container they close the doors and "The Dark side OF there Life Started"
they cant imagine that what will be the next they are going to see.
After some days when the doors were opened . Same Question asked by peoples where are WE
Answer was that they were in Iran
Some time later they felt Hungry . they ask for food . there were no food at all. only water ,
Dirty water .They were really surprised to see that . But again they were far away from their goal .
the second step of their journey was they have to cross Turkey  border it was not difficult because Agents were doing Good job . unfortunately on that day Turkish army were red alert . when they enter the jungle with 50 other peoples Turkish cops saw some of them and most of them were caught by Turkish Army . When they saw that Turkish army were not moving form that place they decided to stay the night in jungle
After night pass Agent came and told them that we are leaving that place get ready . At that time they were roundabout 35 people . when they saw that they have to cross the  river of 300 meters they were really surprised because most of them do not know how to swim . But they were pleased to saw to boat . when they all sat in the boat the Turkish army arrived all of them sat in the boat but Hanif, saif, and asad left the boy jumped from the boat and sat  in other boat and his three friends also sat in the boat. They just started the boat and cross the river.
Now they were in Europe . Agent cought them and ask about agreement to give him money.
He gave the money by calling his brother.
Now he feel i am free . suddenly he and his friend was seen by coops. They all run away into different direction . Cops follow him but difficulty he succeed .
I can not imagine because he spent one night in Hens house small house. when he came out he went to some one house he was listening old songs (he feel like these are old songs) he take bath and wear his clothers and hair a taxi and sat in the taxi . there were a police check post when police stop his taxi than they saw a tag on his shirt and left him by thinking that the boy is student.
He thank his God and he start a job and after some time he went to Italy and luckily he was not seen by Italian police and Now he is living In Italy and doing a reasonable job. ....... .. ..

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